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- The dosemu HOWTO
- edited by Mike Deisher, deisher@dspsun.eas.asu.edu
- v0.52, 13 June 1994
- This is the `Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) / HOWTO document for
- dosemu. The most up-to-date version of the dosemu-HOWTO may be found
- in dspsun.eas.asu.edu:/pub/dosemu.
- 1. The preliminaries
- 1.1. What is dosemu, anyway?
- To quote the manual, "dosemu is a user-level program which uses
- certain special features of the Linux kernel and the 80386 processor
- to run MS-DOS in what we in the biz call a `DOS box.' The DOS box, a
- combination of hardware and software trickery, has these capabilities:
- o the ability to virtualize all input/output and processor control
- instructions
- o the ability to support the word size and addressing modes of the
- iAPX86 processor family's "real mode," while still running within the
- full protected mode environment
- o the ability to trap all DOS and BIOS system calls and emulate such
- calls as are necessary for proper operation and good performance
- o the ability to simulate a hardware environment over which DOS
- programs are accustomed to having control.
- o the ability to provide MS-DOS services through native Linux
- services; for example, dosemu can provide a virtual hard disk drive
- which is actually a Linux directory hierarchy."
- 1.2. What's the newest version of dosemu and where can I get it?
- The newest version of dosemu is dosemu0.52 and can be ftp'ed from the
- following sites:
- dspsun.eas.asu.edu:/pub/dosemu/
- tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/ALPHA/dosemu/
- 1.3. Where can I follow the development?
- If you want to follow the development of dosemu, you should consider
- subscribing to the MSDOS channel on Linux-activists. To subscribe,
- send mail to linux-activists-request@niksula.hut.fi. Your mail HEADER
- or FIRST LINE must contain the line:
- X-Mn-Admin: join MSDOS
- To post to the list, send mail to linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi.
- Your mail HEADER or FIRST LINE must contain the line:
- X-Mn-Key: MSDOS
- 1.4. What documentation is available for dosemu?
- The dosemu manual (dosemu.texinfo) written by Robert Sanders has not
- been updated in some time but is still a good source of information.
- It is distributed with dosemu.
- The "dosemu Novice's Altering Guide" or DANG is a road map to the
- inner workings of dosemu. It is designed for the adventurous, those
- who wish to modify the source code themselves. The DANG is maintained
- by Alistair MacDonald (am20@unix.york.ac.uk) and is posted once in a
- while to the MSDOS channel of Linux Activists.
- The EMU success list (EMUsuccess.txt) is a list of all programs that
- have been reported to work with dosemu. It is posted once in a while
- to the MSDOS channel of Linux Activists. The most recent version can
- be found on dspsun.eas.asu.edu:/pub/dosemu.
- And then, of course, there is the dosemu FAQ/HOWTO. But you already
- know about that, don't you. It is also posted once in a while to the
- MSDOS channel of Linux Activists. The most recent version can be
- found on dspsun.eas.asu.edu:/pub/dosemu.
- 2. Compiling and installing dosemu
- 2.1. Where are the installation instructions?
- The installation instructions are in the file, "QuickStart", included
- in the distribution.
- 2.2. What does emu.c:349: parse error before `outfuntype' mean?
- James B. MacLean (jmaclean@fox.nstn.ns.ca) reported (12/1/93) that
- A fix that works is: Change the 'outfuntype c' parm in line 349 to
- 'int (*c())(int)', and try again.
- [Note: outfuntype is defined in termcap.h. You may have a bad or
- incomplete termcap.h (termcap.h is not part of dosemu).]
- 2.3. What does scan.o: Undefined symbol _yywrap mean?
- Alan David Modra (alan@spri.levels.unisa.edu.au) reported (2/16/94)
- that
- Flex-2.4.6 generates code that requires linking in libfl.a You need to
- add -lfl to the linker command line:
- gcc -o par scan.o parse.o -lfl
- [Note: edit parse/Makefile to incorporate this change]
- 3. Hard disk setup
- 3.1. How do I use my hard disk with dosemu?
- First, mount your dos hard disk partition as a Linux subdirectory.
- For example, you could create a directory in Linux such as /dos (mkdir
- -m 755 /dos) and add a line like
- /dev/hda1 /dos msdos umask=022
- to your /etc/fstab. (In this example, the hard disk is mounted read-
- only. You may want to mount it read/write by replacing "022" with
- "000" and using the -m 777 option with mkdir). Now mount /dos. Now
- you can add a line like
- lredir d: linux\fs/dos
- to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in your hdimage (see the comments on LREDIR
- below). On a multi-user system you may want to use
- lredir d: linux\fs\${home}
- where "home" is the name of an environmental variable that contains
- the location of the dos directory (/dos in this example).
- Tim Bird (Tim_R_Bird@Novell.COM) states that LREDIR users should
- be careful when they use LREDIR in the autoexec, because COMMAND.COM
- will continue parsing the autoexec.bat from the redirected drive as
- the same file offset where it left off in the autoexec.bat on the
- physical drive. For this reason, it is safest to have the
- autoexec.bat on the redirected drive and the physical drive
- (diskimage) be the same.
- Robert D. Warren (rw11258@xx.acs.appstate.edu) reported (4/28/94) that
- I boot off a small hdimage file (less than 1 MB - and twice as large
- as needs be at that), and the next to last line in my config.sys file
- on the hdimage boot image is:
- install=c:\lredir.exe LINUX\FS\home/dos
- This will execute lredir just before the command interpreter runs. And
- I have successfully run it with both command.com and 4DOS. This elim-
- inates the offset problem using lredir in autoexec.bat.
- 3.2. Can I use my stacked/double-spaced/super-stored disk?
- At this time, compressed drives cannot be accessed via the redirector
- (lredir or emufs). However, many people have had success by simply
- uncommenting the
- disk { wholedisk "/dev/hda" } # 1st partition on 1st disk
- line in their dosemu config file. Others have had success using
- disk { partition "/dev/hda1" 1 }
- and running the mkpartition utility (included in the dosemu distribu-
- tion).
- Holger Schemel (q99492@pbhrzx.uni-paderborn.de) reported (2/10/94)
- that
- Works even fine under DOSEMU with MS-DOS 6.0. If you have problems,
- then you have to edit the file 'DBLSPACE.INI' manually and change the
- disk letter to the letter your drive gets under DOSEMU.
- Darren J Moffat (moffatd@dcs.gla.ac.uk) also reported (3/27/94)
- "...use 6.2 if you can get it!! Just make sure you have a lilo boot
- disk on hand since dos 6{.2} will change the MBR of the boot HD."
- 3.3. I get an error message about my config.sys file but it looks
- fine.
- Corey Sweeney (corey@amiganet.xnet.com) reported (12/8/93) that
- Sometimes when loading config.sys you will get a error message saying
- something like "error in line 6 of config.sys". The problem will go
- away if you add several carriage returns at the end of your
- config.sys.
- 4. Serial ports and mice
- 4.1. Where are the (microsoft compatible) mouse drivers?
- Tom Kimball (tk@pssparc2.oc.com) reported (11/24/93) that
- Several people said to use a different mouse driver and suggested
- some. I found a couple that seem to work fine.
- oak.oakland.edu:/pub/msdos/mouse/mouse701.zip (mscmouse)
- oak.oakland.edu:/pub/msdos/mouse/gmous102.zip (gmouse)
- 4.2. Why doesn't the mouse driver work?
- Scott D. Heavner (sdh@fishmonger.nouucp) reported (11/27/93) that
- If you start the mouse driver and it just hangs (it might actually
- take 30-60s), but if you are waiting longer than a minute for the
- mouse driver to start, remove any "timer" lines in your config file.
- 4.3. Why does dosemu clobber COM4?
- Rob Janssen (rob@pe1chl.ampr.org) reported (3/24/94) that
- According to jmorriso@bogomips.ee.ubc.ca, "dosemu still clobbers COM4
- (0x2e8, IRQ 5). 0x2e8 isn't in ports{} in config. I have to run
- setserial /dev/cua3 irq 5 on it after dosemu exits."
- This is caused by your VGA BIOS. I have found that by enabling the IO
- port trace and seeing where it was clobbered.
- Disable the "allowvideoportaccess on" line in config and it will work
- fine. When you then have problems with the video, try to enable more
- selective ranges of IO addresses (e.g., 40-43).
- 4.4. How do I use dosemu over the serial ports?
- Corey Sweeney (corey@amiganet.xnet.com) reported (12/8/93) that
- If you plan to be using dosemu over a serial line, telnet session, or
- just don't want to use raw console mode, then you will probably want
- to get to know the termcap file. For those who don't know, the
- termcap file is usually located in the /etc directory. It contains
- the information on what sequences of characters to send to your
- terminal, and what sequences of characters from your terminal
- represent what keystrokes. If when you hit F5, and it does not work,
- it will usually be the fault of a incorrect termcap entry. (To learn
- more about termcaps look up the termcap man page.)
- Now the information in the termcap relates to entries in the dosemu
- code. So after you put k5=\E[[E in your termcap, whenever your
- terminal sends \E[[E, dosemu translates that and says "he hit the k5
- key!" Then it is up to dosemu to figure out what the proper scancode
- for the k5 key is, and push that into the buffer in some magical way.
- To determine the scancode, it looks up in a little table in termio.c.
- In termio.c under the line which (currently) says
- #define FUNKEYS 20
- There exist several lines following the form
- {NULL, "termcap code", scancode} /* name of key */
- so when it says
- {NULL, "k5", 0x3f00} /* F5 */
- it's saying that 0x3f00 is the scancode for F5, and that when the per-
- son activates the k5 sequence (defined in the termcap) to stuff the F5
- scancode into the buffer.
- Now that's all fine and dandy for analyzing how dosemu does this, but
- you probably want to be able to do something with this new
- information. Well you can add functionality for the F11 and F12 keys
- (and any other keys that you can find the scancode for).
- All you have to do is add a line to the termio.c table that says:
- {NULL, "ka", 0x8500} /* F11 */
- Then to actually get it to read the line you just put in, add one to
- the FUNKEYS number.
- #define FUNKEYS = 21
- Then add a "ka" entry to your termcap. After that, every time you hit
- the sequence stored in your termcap for ka, your dos program recog-
- nizes an "F11."
- Warning: Make sure that ka is not in use in your termcap. If it is
- you are headed for trouble.
- Note: The scancode for F12 is 0x8600.
- 4.5. How can I switch between dosemu and a shell over the serial
- line?
- John Taylor (taylor@pollux.cs.uga.edu) reported (5/25/94) that
- I am running Linux 1.1.13 and want to point out a great feature that
- should be protected and not taken out (IMHO). With the 52 version, I
- can run the program, "screen." From screen, i can invoke dos -D-a.
- What is really great (IMHO) is the screen commands (the CTRL-A cmds)
- still work. This means I can do a CTRL-A C and add another unix shell,
- and switch between the two (DOS / UNIX). This allows me to use dosemu
- over the serial line really well, because switching is made easy.
- 5. Dosemu with multiple users
- 5.1. Can I use dosemu on a multi-user system?
- Corey Sweeney (corey@amiganet.xnet.com) reported (12/8/93) that
- If you are running dosemu on a system in which more then one person
- may want to run dosemu, then you may want to change the directory of
- your hard drive image. Currently in the /etc/dosemu.conf file there
- exists the line saying that the hard drive image is "hdimage". If you
- change this to /var/lib/dosemu/hdimage then people do not have to
- worry about what directory they are in when they run dosemu, and
- hdimage does not have to be moved each time you upgrade to the next
- patch level.
- If you do do this for multi-user dosemu, then you will want to make
- the hdimage in /var/lib/dosemu read-only for everyone but the dosemu
- administrator.
- Note that you can use the new emufs.sys thing to mount a "public"
- directory and/or a "private" directory (a sub-directory in each
- person's home directory).
- [Note: Users may also create a personal configuration file named
- ~/.dosrc (same format as /etc/dosemu.conf) to run their own copy of
- dos.]
- 5.2. How do I get Netware access from dosemu?
- James B. MacLean (jmaclean@fox.nstn.ns.ca) reported (6/13/94) that
- Dosemu now supports pdipx (an IPX over pktdrvr) and pdether (uses
- Novell's MLID spec) to access Novell LAN's via the built in packet
- driver. The packet driver sits at interrupt 0x60, and abids by the
- normal paket driver rules. That said, beware of trying any DOS TCP/IP
- just yet. To use Netware, simply:
- 1) Compile support for your NIC into the kernel.
- 2) Boot dosemu.
- 3) Run ./commands/pdipx.
- 4) Run netx or whatever you use.
- If you need special access to your NIC, read on. By default
- dosemu will not get interrupts from the kernel. That said, if you'd
- like to give your NIC to dosemu for it to control, maybe for access to
- Netware on the network through a NETX client, I do have a driver
- (Silly Interrupt Generator) to put in the kernel that any program,
- like dosemu can use to get at the interrupt for your NIC. I use it in
- DOSEMU to access a Novell Lite network in the past until the packet
- driver existed.
- Any interested parties should E-mail me (jmaclean@fox.nstn.ns.ca) and
- I'll pass along some directions.
- 6. dosemu and X-windows
- 6.1. Can I run dosemu in console mode while running X?
- Ronald Schalk (R.Schalk@uci.kun.nl) reported (1/17/94) that
- Yes, no problem. Just remember to use ctrl-alt-<Fn> to go to a
- Virtual Console (VC), and you can run any Linux application (dosemu is
- a linux-application). I've got almost always WP5.1 in a dos session.
- [Note: Use ctrl-alt-F7 to switch back to X from dosemu.]
- [Note: Some people have reported problems when dosemu is started
- before X]
- 6.2. Is it possible to run dosemu in an xterm?
- Evmorfopoulos Dimitris (devmorfo@mtu.edu) reported (12/10/93) that
- It is possible to run dosemu under an xterm, but without any graphics,
- and with no more than 128 characters.
- H. Peter Anvin (hpa@hook.eecs.nwu.edu) adds (2/6/94)
- no more than 128 characters... unless you use a special font. Someone
- has an IBM PC (CP 437) X font for use with ANSI-graphics on BBS's, as
- well as a patch for Xterm that *might* include character translation
- (for letters like \305, \304, \326 for example.
- 7. Video and sound
- 7.1. Exiting from dosemu gives me a screen full of garbage.
- Keith A Grider (kgrider@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu) reported (12/5/93)
- that
- I have seen many postings concerning this with exit from X as well as
- exiting from a graphic dos screen. it seems to be prevalent among ATI
- graphic card users as well as a few others. The problem is that the
- font information for the vga text screen is not being saved. The only
- way I have been able to fix it is to download the vgalib-090.tar.gz
- file from sunsite.unc.edu. It is (I believe) in the pub/Linux/GCC
- directory. You get a lot of stuff that is not directly used to solve
- this problem, but in the fonts directory that is created when you
- untar the file, there are 2 files of interest, runx and restorefont.
- Read the README file in this directory. Copy runx and restorefont to
- a directory in your path. when runx is used, for example, it saves
- the font information in tmp/fontdata. I use a file called fix which
- consists of the line:
- restorefont -r /tmp/fontdata
- so that it is easy to 'fix' a vt when I go there from X (i.e. ctrl-
- alt-f2). This should also work for dosemu. I think the XFree86 peo-
- ple know about the problem and are working on a solution as this is a
- bit of a kluge.
- 7.2. How do I get dosemu to work with my Trident/Actix/other video
- card?
- [The screen flickers violently, displays the video BIOS startup
- message, and hangs.]
- Andrew Tridgell (tridge@nimbus.anu.edu.au) reported (1/29/94) that
- I found with early versions it would work if I used:
- ports { 0x42 }
- but that sometimes my machine would crash when it was cycling the
- video bios in dosemu. This is because you're allowing the VGA bios to
- re-program your clock, which severely stuffs with Linux.
- This prompted me to write the readonly and masking patches for dosemu,
- which I believe are still in the latest version. I now use:
- ports { readonly 0x42 }
- and it boots dosemu more slowly, but more reliably.
- Tim Shnaider (tims@kcbbs.gen.nz) also reported (1/18/94) that
- One way of fixing this is to use the GETROM program to dump your video
- bios to a file and edit the config file in the /etc/dosemu directory
- There will be a few video lines. Here is my video line
- video { vga console graphics chipset trident memsize 1024 vbios_file
- /etc/dosemu/vbios }
- where vbios is the file generated by typing
- getrom > vbios
- 7.3. Why doesn't my soundcard software work with dosemu?
- Hannu Savolainen (hsavolai@cs.Helsinki.FI) reported (3/21/94) that
- The DOSEMU and any DOS program with it run under control of a
- protected mode operating system. This means that the memory is not
- mapped as the program expects. If it somehow manages to start DMA
- based recording with SB, the recorded sound doesn't find it's way to
- the application. It just destroys some data in the memory.
- 8. Other Hardware
- 8.1. How do I get my xxxxx device working under dosemu?
- Corey Sweeney (corey@bbs.xnet.com) reported (5/30/94) that
- Here is a log of my adventures trying to get devices working under
- dosemu. So far I've gotten my voice mail system working and my
- scanner half working. Here's how:
- 1. Look in your manual and find if your card uses any ports. If your
- manual gives you some, put them in your config file at the "ports"
- line. Remember that sometimes you need to have several ports in a
- row, and the first one might be the only one documented.
- 2. Try it out. If it doesn't work, or you don't have a manual (or your
- manual is as crappy as my AT&T manual:) then run dosemu with "dos -D+i
- 2> /tmp/io.debug". Run your device software, then exit dosemu. Look
- through /tmp/io.debug and find any port numbers it might give you.
- Try adding those to the port lines and try running dosemu again.
- 3. If you still fail then you may need interrupts. Find out what
- interrupt the card uses and get the SIG.tgz (silly interrupt
- generator) from somewhere on tsx-11.mit.edu. Install it as specified
- in the instructions.
- and that's about it...
- Question: What if my card uses DMA? Answer: Your screwed.
- 9. Problems and fixes
- 9.1. Why does dosemu lock up after one keystroke?
- (12/17/93)
- You need to turn on the keyboard interrupt in the dosemu config file.
- Add a line to the config file:
- keybint on
- Shouldn't be a problem in dosemu0.52.
- 9.2. Why are my keystrokes echoed ttwwiiccee??
- Nick Holloway (alfie@dcs.warwick.ac.uk) reported (2/22/94) that
- After running dos after playing with some stty settings, I was getting
- doubled key presses. I can now reveal what the reason is!
- It only happens when dos is run on the console with 'istrip' set.
- This is (I think) because the raw scancodes are mutilated by the
- 'istrip', so that key release events look like key press events.
- So, the input processing needs to be turned off when using the scan
- codes on a console (it wouldn't be a good idea to do it for tty
- lines).
- 9.3. Why does dosemu give "divide overflow" errors after running for
- more than 24-hours?
- (1/17/94)
- This is a known bug. It will (hopefully) be fixed in an upcoming
- release. For now, you can simply exit dosemu and start it again.
- 9.4. Where did the debugging output go?
- As of dosemu0.49pl4, stderr is automatically redirected to /dev/null.
- Try "dos -D+a 2>debug" to turn on debugging information and redirect
- it to the file "debug".
- 9.5. Why are characters < 128 highlighted and blinking?
- Chris Kuehnke (Christian.Kuehnke@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE) reported
- (3/21/94) that
- I think I've found a bug in dosemu0.50pl1; with a MDA card displayed
- characters > 128 automagically appeared as highlighted and blinking.
- This patch fixed the problem for me [but on the other hand, maybe I'm
- totally wrong ;-)]:
- --- video.c~ Sat Mar 19 00:50:25 1994
- +++ video.c Sat Mar 19 20:36:10 1994
- @@ -721,7 +721,7 @@
- int x, y, i, tmp;
- unsigned int s;
- static int gfx_flag = 0;
- - char c;
- + u_char c;
- us *sm;
- if (d.video >= 3)
- 9.6. Why will dosemu run in a term but not in the console?
- JyiJiin Luo (jjluo@casbah.acns.nwu.edu) reported (4/19/94) that
- I experienced exactly the same problem before. I figured out all the
- video shadow in my AMI BIOS must be disabled. Now dosemu runs fine on
- my system.
- 9.7. How can I speed up dosemu?
- Mark Rejhon (mdrejhon@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca) reported (4/7/94)
- that
- TIP: Speed up your DOS "dir" listings by about 25%-50% or so by typing
- break off at the DOS prompt or including it in autoexec.bat.
- TIP: Use the nnansi.com ANSI driver to speed up the "dir" output even
- more at roughly 50%-100% more. It works properly in non-graphics
- mode, unlike turbo.com.
- Joel M. Hoffman (joel@rac1.wam.umd.edu) reported (4/23/94) that
- Ironically, I've found that it's sometimes faster to run dosemu in an
- Emacs terminal emulator rather than directly to the console. Emacs's
- output optimization is what makes the difference here.
- Put the following in your .emacs:
- (defun do-dos ()
- (interactive)
- (terminal-emulator "dos" "/usr/local/bin/dos" ()))
- and then "emacs -f do-dos" will run the dosemu inside the buffer.
- Make sure you emacs window is 25x80, of course.
- Pete Heist (heistp@rpi.edu) reported (5/13/94) that
- If you compile it with the "-funroll-all-loops" option you will get
- MUCH faster screen output. Some other parts of the emulator will run
- much faster as well. Realize that the consequence of this is a larger
- executable which eats a little more memory, even though it's demand
- loaded.
- Georg Wiegand (gw@gwcomp.e.open.de) reported (5/16/94) that
- You also can use the keyword HogThreshold in /etc/dosemu.conf. The
- greater the following number the more calculating-time dosemu gets.
- For example, I use "HogThreshold 60000" on my 386/87-20 laptop.
- 9.8. My CDROM drive has problems reading some files under dosemu.
- Vinod G Kulkarni (vinod@cse.iitb.ernet.in) reported (4/7/94) that
- When a CDROM is mounted from linux and used from within DOSEMU (mapped
- drive), there could be some problems. The cdrom driver (iso9660) in
- the kernel tries to find out the type of the file (i.e. binary or
- text). If it can't find, it tries to guess the type of the file using
- a heuristic. This heuristic fails under some circumstances when a
- (almost) text file is to be treated as binary. (I do not know if it
- is a bug or feature.)
- The result of this is that if you copy such a file from cdrom (from
- linux itself, and not necessarily dosemu), the resulting file will be
- usually bigger than original file. (Blanks get added before ^J,^M.)
- So a program running in dosemu gives error or hangs, which you may
- mistaken as problem of dosemu.
- I could verify that this kind of heuristic is not used when the cdrom
- is used from DEC ALPHA system. (I nfs mounted the exported cdrom drive
- and used under dosemu as a drive.)
- To correct the behavior, you can force the iso9660 file system not to
- use heuristic at all. Make the following change and then recompile
- your kernel.
- File: /usr/src/linux/fs/isofs/file.c
- In Function: static int isofs_file_read ()
- ...
- if (inode->u.isofs_i.i_file_format == ISOFS_FILE_UNKNOWN) {
- inode->u.isofs_i.i_file_format = ISOFS_FILE_BINARY ;
- /* ORIGINAL: isofs_determine_filetype(inode); */
- }
- ...
- 10. Contributing to the dosemu project
- 10.1. Who is responsible for dosemu?
- (3/18/94)
- Dosemu is built upon the work of Matthias Lautner and Robert Sanders.
- James B. MacLean (jmaclean@fox.nstn.ns.ca) is responsible for
- organizing the latest releases of dosemu.
- History of dosemu
- Version Date Person
- -------------------------------------------------
- 0.1 September 3, 1992 Matthias Lautner
- 0.2 September 13, 1992 Matthias Lautner
- 0.3 ??? Matthias Lautner
- 0.4 November 26, 1992 Matthias Lautner
- 0.47 January 27, 1993 Robert Sanders
- 0.47.7 February 5, 1993 Robert Sanders
- 0.48 February 16, 1993 Robert Sanders
- 0.48pl1 February 18, 1993 Robert Sanders
- 0.49 May 20, 1993 Robert Sanders
- 0.49pl2 November 18, 1993 James MacLean
- 0.49pl3 November 30, 1993 James MacLean
- 0.49pl3.3 December 3, 1993 James MacLean
- 0.50 March 4, 1994 James MacLean
- 0.50pl1 March 18, 1994 James MacLean
- 0.52 June 16, 1994 James MacLean
- 10.2. I want to help. Who should I contact?
- The dosemu project is a team effort. If you wish to contribute, see
- the DPR (DOSEMU Project Registry). A current copy may be found in
- dspsun.eas.asu.edu:/pub/dosemu.